How to configure Outlook Express ?

Procedure to configure Outlook Express.


You will be able configure outlook express. The following steps will guide through to configure email client such as outlook express. Cogzon Technologies will not be responsible for any data loss at any time. Maintaining your email accounts properly will avoid issues such as spam, virus.configuiring outlook express will help you to down load the mails.

Required Information

Your  Email account's username and password.


[1] Launch Outlook Express.

[2] Click on Tools menu.

[3] Click on Accounts.

[4] Click on mail menu.

[5] Click on the button Add .

[6] Enter Your Name in the display name field..

[7] Enter your existing email ID.

[8] Enter your mail server and smtp details.

Incoming Mail Server


[9] Enter your full email ID. [ Example ] email ID @ your domain name .com  like

[10] Click on finish.

[11] Click on properties.

[12] Click on servers.

[13] In out going mail server -- Check My server Requires Authentication.

[14] Click on settings.

[15] Choose Log On Using.

[16] In Account Name Give Full Email ID [ Example : ]

[17] Supply password.

[18] Click on remember password.

[19] Click OK.

[20] Click on close.

[21] Click on SEND/RECEIVE menu >> Choose Receive All

[22] Click on unread messages to read your mails .

[ ! Notes ]
Your outlook express should not be kept opened while double clicking the file that is downloaded.

[* Tips ]
You should configure any email client such as outlook to download your emails frequently. 
You might not be able to access your email if your connectivity is slower.
If your user name or password is wrong, you will not be able to access your email.
If your account is suspended due to excess bandwidth usage or server usage, your access will be suspended.

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